
如何製作 Win10(1709) 系統安裝USB隨身碟?(不是使用微軟工具)

指令出處:How to create a bootable Windows 10 USB drive
1.Open a Command Prompt window. To do this, open Run (Windows key + R will do the trick; alternatively, it can be found in the Start menu), type "cmd" and then press the OK button.
2.Use the "diskpart" command to open the disk partitioning software. Accept the UAC prompt, if asked, to continue.
3.Use the "list disk" command to display the list of storage drives -- it will reveal all the HDDs, SSDs, USB drives, and so on, that are attached to your PC.
4.Identify the disk number of the USB drive that you are using -- you can easily find it by looking at the size column; it is usually the last one that is listed.
5.Use the "select disk X" command to select the USB drive -- "X" is the disk number of your USB drive, and it is shown in the first column.
6.Use the "clean" command to erase everything on the USB drive.
7.Use the "create partition primary" command to create a primary partition on the USB drive.
8.Use the "select partition 1" command to select that partition.
9.Use the "active" command to make said partition active.
10.Use the "format fs=fat32 quick" command to format it as FAT32, using the Quick (fast) routine.
11.Use the "assign" command to assign a drive letter to the USB drive -- it will show up as a drive under My Computer.
12.Copy the extracted contents of the Windows 10 ISO to the USB drive.